Other writings

Policy contributions and (Dutch) press publications


  • Inaugural lecture at the University of Amsterdam, together with Prof. dr. Stefania Milan at 24/05/2024.
    Text is here, video is here.


  • I write a regular column on behavioral economics that appears on Economie.nl. Together with the columns of  Eva van den Broek, they form the series  “Kiezen en Delen“, which is published on weblogs Sargasso and Sciencepalooza
  • Here you find a blogpost by Zack Grossman and myself on the blog of Oxford University Press, on “Ignorance as an Excuse”, related to our JEEA paper ( [.pdf] ).
  • Here you find my guest entry on self-deception on the blog of the Cultural Cognition Project at Yale. (Dan Kahan tells me that his blog has 14 billion unique hits a day, so surely you have heard of it).
  • In 2013-2014 I wrote the weekly economic column “Duopolie” for the website sargasso.nl together with Mark Dijkstra.

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